PanGazer – saving views |
PanGazer lets you save the current view as an image file. To do this, select the Save current view ... menu item from the View menu or from the pop-up menu (or press the ‘s’ key): this will open the Windows file save dialog box for saving the image file. After saving, the saved image will be shown in a new View window so you can check it. Unlike a simple screenshot, the saved view includes metadata such as the effective lens focal length, camera tilt, and the location and bearing of the view. Therefore, a ‘flat’ saved view derived from a spherical image preserves available geometrical metadata so that (for example) moving the cursor over the image will show the correct bearing (or heading) and tilt of the ‘camera’ at that point, and compass points, tilt angles, and grid can be overlaid on the image just as for the spherical source image. Further, since the saved image includes the relevant metadata then if you then open the new image with PanGazer then any view of that image (for example, zoomed in) can also be saved and will also correctly propagate the metadata. Images not created by PanGazer will similarly also show correct angular data provided their metadata is correct. Notes:
PanGazer and these web pages were written by Mike Cowlishaw; Please send me any corrections, suggestions, etc. | |
All content Copyright © Mike Cowlishaw,
2014–2025, except where marked otherwise. All rights reserved.
The pages here, and the PanGazer program, are for non-commercial
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