Tollos – pri2Debug.c | ||||||||||
pri2Debug.c – debug device I/O functions The debug functions communicate with the host computer using a serial link over a USB Virtual COM port.For primer2, this is via the “STM32” USB connection. Note that on Windows a driver must be installed for this to work; this should be automatic (using Internet search).
debugGetcIO – get character int debugGetcIO(void);
returns character read from host, or −1 if none there This function does not block. debugInitIO – initialize port for I/O void debugInitIO(uint baud);
baud – rate to run debug communications The baud rate is ignored because this is a Virtual COM port. debugPutcIO – send character to debug terminal void debugPutcIO(int ch);
ch – character to send This does not block; if too many characters are sent they will be quietly discarded. |
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