PMGlobe, version 3.31 3 Aug 2009
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The Views menu

The Views menu lets you change the point from which the globe is viewed, by tilting or rotating the globe, selecting a standard viewpoint, or choosing a fixed latitude or longitude. You can also change the grid line settings, and control whether the view can be changed by a mouse click.

displays a sub-menu with the following choices:

Tilt view to North
tilts the globe by 15° towards the North (so that the North pole is closer to the viewpoint)

Tilt view to South
tilts the globe by 15° towards the South

Rotate view to West
rotates the globe by 30° towards the West (so more Westerly longitudes are seen)

Rotate view to East
rotates the globe by 30° towards the East.

Standard views
displays a sub-menu with a choice of standard views:

Europe & Africa (0°)
Places the Intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian (0°N, 0°E) at the centre of view.

Americas (90°W)
Places 0°N, 90°W at the centre of view.

India & Asia (90°E)
Places 0°N, 90°E at the centre of view.

Pacific (180°)
Places the Pacific ocean (0°N, 180°E) at the centre of view.

North Pole
Places 90°N, 0°E at the centre of view.

South Pole
Places 90°S, 0°E at the centre of view.

Snap to equator
Centres the view at latitude 0°N and leaves the longitude at the centre of view unchanged.

Snap to Greenwich
Centres the view at longitude 0°E and leaves the latitude at the centre of view unchanged.

Grid line choices
displays a sub-menu which lets you choose which grid lines (lines of latitude or longitude) are superimposed on the globe, and what colour should be used to display them.

Spin with sun
if checked, this choice synchronizes the view with the sun. That is, the globe will rotate as time passes, keeping the apparent position of the sun (and hence the boundary between day and night) fixed.

Focus on right mouse button
if checked, this choice lets set the focus (centre point) of the globe view directly by clicking the right mouse button while the pointer is over the globe image (see above). If not checked (or if the globe is shown as a circular window) clicking the right mouse button on the globe will bring up the pop-up menu.

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Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. ©
Author: Mike Cowlishaw,