PMGlobe, version 3.31 3 Aug 2009
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PMGlobe menus

The Options menu

The Options menu lets you change the main PMGlobe window shape, size, and appearance, run macros and commands, and select other options It lists the following choices:

Run macro...
displays a file dialog to let you select a macro that is to be run. (Macros are lists of commands, or programs written in Rexx. They have a file extension of .pmg, and let you do more complicated things than are possible using just menu selections – see below for more details.)

For example, if you installed all the files that came with PMGlobe, clicking on the file sample.pmg would run that macro and show various cities and clocks on the globe. You might like to use the Notepad editor to look at the macros supplied, to see how they work.

Halt macro
is enabled when a macro is running. If selected, any macro that is running is halted.

Set startup macro...
displays a file dialog to let you select a macro that is to be run when PMGlobe starts up (for example, sample.pmg). If no selection is made in the file dialog, no macro is run automatically at startup.

displays the Command dialog, which may be used to enter PMGlobe commands directly. Pressing the Esc (Escape) key also brings up the Command dialog.

Use console
when checked, a Windows console is opened for displaying any output from commands or macros. This is not normally needed except when debugging or developing macros. Note that closing the console by using its close button will also close the PMGlobe main window; if you do not wish this, uncheck the menu item to remove the console.

Make window square
makes the window fit the globe on all edges, if possible (it may not be possible on some narrow or low windows).

Make full screen
removes the title and menu bars and maximizes the window to fill the screen entirely. You can still use Windows key combinations to move the window, etc. (for example: Alt-F4 will close PMGlobe). Right-click off the globe to pop-up the menus.

Use Restore from this menu (or Alt-Space, R) to return the window to its previous size and position.

restores the window (from full screen or Maximize), as from the System (Window) menu or by using Alt-Space, R. The title and menu bars are always displayed after a Restore.

maximizes the window to fill the screen, as from the System (Window) menu or by using Alt-Space, X. The title and menu bars are always displayed after a Maximize. Use ‘Make full screen’ for an image which fills the screen without title bar or menu bar. Use Restore from this menu or the System menu (or Alt-Space, R) to return the window to its previous size and position after a Maximize.

mimimizes the window, as from the System (Window) menu or by using Alt-Space, N. Automatic refresh of the image is suspended while PMGlobe is minimized. This option may be useful if you have elected not to use a title bar.

Circular window
when selected, the globe is shown as a circular window. This has no title bar, menu bar, or background. When the globe is shown as a circular window, the right mouse button will always display a pop-up menu when clicked over the globe so you have access to the options. F6 can also be used to switch PMGlobe between a rectangular and circular window.

Show position and distance calculator
when selected, this makes the position and distance calculator appear (it will also appear automatically if you click on the window with the left mouse button). See above for information on how to use the calculator.

Show hover window
when selected, PMGlobe displays a hover window showing the longitude and latitude of the pointer (if the pointer is over the image of the globe). Uncheck this option to hide the hover window.

Large cross-hair cursor
when selected, this requests that a larger-than-usual coloured cross-hair cursor be used when the mouse pointer is over the globe itself. If not selected, the standard cross-hair cursor is used.

Use title bar
requests that the PMGlobe title bar (with the system menu icon and other buttons) be shown. This is the default. The options menu, including Exit, Maximize, and Minimize options, is always available by clicking the left mouse button on the window background (off the globe), even if the menu bar and title bar are not shown.

Use menu bar
requests that the menu bar be shown below the PMGlobe title bar. This is the default. The options menu, including Exit and Minimize options, is always available by clicking the left mouse button on the window background (off the globe), even if the menu bar and title bar are not shown.

Set refresh time
this lets you choose how long PMGlobe will wait after completing a view of the globe before it redraws it. This takes effect whenever marks with clocks are defined or sunlighting is in effect (sunlighting is the default, and needs regular updating to give a correct picture). The refresh takes place immediately after the wall-clock time that is a multiple of the selected refresh interval (for example, if ‘One Hour’ is selected, the refresh should take place on the hour). The default refresh time is one minute.

Save settings
this saves the settings you have selected; they will then be used automatically when PMGlobe is next started. The settings are also saved automatically when Windows is shut down or PMGlobe is closed.

Reset settings to defaults
resets all saved settings, except the position of windows and the names of image files, to the defaults used when PMGlobe was first run.

leaves PMGlobe. The settings, window positions, etc., are saved automatically.

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Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. ©
Author: Mike Cowlishaw,