
A MemoWiki Topic is a collection of Wiki pages (for notes), references (for details and comments on individual papers, books, etc.), data items (for data values), and files (such as the PDF files for papers).

The home page for a topic is a page which has the same name as the topic. Topic names may include any characters and be up to 50 characters long.

To start a new topic, first use the Topics button on any MemoWiki page to view existing topics and their names, choose a name for your topic, and then click on the Add Topic button to start creating your topic. This will let you set up the first page of the topic (the ‘home’ page, which has the same name as the topic).

Note that currently a new topic can only be added by a local user (running on the same machine as the memowiki server) or an administrator.

Note: Deleting a topic is potentially very destructive, so MemoWiki does not provide a mechanism for this; instead, use your Operating System’s utilities for deleting the topic directory and its contents. A topic can be renamed, however.

Topics was last edited on 2014-03-11  
Topic: MemoWiki