
MemoWiki lets you ‘mark up’ text using a series of fairly simple notations which are based on those used for Wikipedia », together with some extensions for ‘proper’ quotes, some common symbols, dashes, accents, open lists, and so on.  The markup is either structural or inline.

Structural markup is indicated by the first character of a line being non-alphanumeric, and describes structural elements of the page, such as paragraphs, lists, and sections.

Inline markup can be used anywhere there is text content, and causes changes of font, inserts special characters or symbols, or indicates a link.

Links (described on their own page) are inline markup within square [ ] brackets that refer to another page, a reference, an image, a GPS location, a file, a World Wide Web page, or a data item.

Structural markup, as used in Wikipedia (must start a line):

   empty line        Paragraph
   == title ==       Major heading (no tags or links in title)
   === title ===     Sub-heading
   ==== title ====   Sub-sub-heading
   ----              Horizontal rule
    text             (at least one blank at start) monospaced 'code' line
   *                 unordered (bulleted) list item
   **                (nested)
   #                 ordered (numbered) list item
   ###               (nested)
   ; term : item     definition list term/item; the : may start new line
   #** *;# etc.      (nested mixed lists)
                     these compact lists are ended by a blank line
   :, ::, etc.       indented paragraph (except after ; term)

   {| params         table start (params optional)
   ! content         bold cell (th)
   | content         normal cell (td)
   | cell1 || cell2  multiple cells on same line (use !! for bold centred)
   | params | cell   cell with parameters (also OK for same-line cells)
   |- params         new row (params optional); optional for first row
   |- params | key   new row (params optional) with key cell (e.g., date)
   |+ caption        caption (must start table)
   |+ params|cap     caption with parameters
   |}                end table

Inline markup, as used in Wikipedia (only recognised outside code lines):

   "phrase"          double-quoted phrase
   'phrase'          quoted phrase
   ''phrase''        italic phrase
   '''phrase'''      bold phrase
   '''''phrase'''''  bold italic phrase
   ~~~               authorname
   ~~~~              authorname + date/time
   ~~~~~             date/time
   [URL | content]   <a href="URL">content</a>
                     If no content then content=URL
                     Notes for stand-alone processing:
                      1. If first word contains an embedded colon
                         it is assumed to be a URL and the | is
                         optional (Wikipedia- and Speleogroup-
                      2. Content may be followed by "| options"
                      3. Content is optional, is used for rendering
                         instead of the URL.
                      4. No embedded <tags> are allowed in content,
                         but wiki inline shorthand is OK.
   [[name|content]]  Wikipedia article reference, with optional |content

   <nowiki> ...      pass through without Wiki processing; HTML markup
    ... </nowiki>    (including tags and HTML's &symbols;) will be processed

Square-bracket notations are described in detail on the Links page.

Below here are additional markups supported by MemoWiki (MFC additions):

Structural markup (must start a line):

   / text            break
   // text           (nested/indented)

   > text            overhanging break
   >> text           (nested/indented)

   ) text            comment (line is ignored)
   )) text           ephemeral comment (will be removed when next edited)

   List & paragraph marks may repeat to 3 characters, e.g., ///.

   Open lists (which may be mixed with compact lists). First item (which
   may be empty) has + following the list indicator (single or nested);
   the list is then not terminated by an empty line, but instead is
   terminated by a matching indicator with + with no item text (or by a
   shorter list indicator, as usual).

     *+ This is the first item.

        Second paragraph of the first item.

     *  Second item.
     *+ <!-- end of list marker; not an item. -->

   A list may also have a '-' modifier on its first item; this requests
   a compact list (useful on definition lists).

Inline markup (only recognised outside code lines):

   ---               em dash
   --                en dash
   _                 required/non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
   ~_ ~&             underscore, ampersand (~& only needed if no space after &)
   ~~                ~ tilde
   ~? ~!             inverted question mark, inverted exclamation mark
   ~' ~"             apostrophe (only needed for leading apostrophe), "
   ~.                middle dot
   ~=                approximately equal
   ~*, ~/, ~-        multiply, divide, minus
   ~+, ~#            dagger, double dagger
   ~[, ~], ~<, ~>    [, ], <, >
   ~{, ~}            {, }
   ->, >=            right arrow, ge
   <-, <=            left arrow, le
   <->               double arrow
   it's              embedded ' becomes apostrophe
   ""phrase""        typewriter font phrase
   """phrase"""      sans serif font phrase
   foo^phrase        foo<sup>phrase</sup> (must end in blank, which is
                       removed unless followed by alphanumeric)
   foo^^phrase       foo<sub>phrase</sub> (same rules)
   [name | content]  link to a page, reference, or data item
   [name |cap|...]   link to an image
   [*||gps ...]      link to a GPS location
   [/topic/page|...] link to page in different topic
   [//asis|...]      MemoWiki URL selector/action used as-is
   [@ mark|content]  Mark: <a name="mark">content</a>
   [# mark|content]  Link to mark: <a href="#mark">content</a>
                     (the blank after @ or # is optional)

   <!ENTITY name "data"> set custom entity (name must start with alphabetic)
                     Refer to these as &name;

The [...] notations are described in detail on the Links page.

Special sequences, including &aaa; entities provided by wiki2html (rather than processed by the browser):

   &lsq; &rsq;       [ ]
   &etc; etc.        ''etc.''
   &cf;  cf.         ''cf.''
   &eg;  e.g.        ''e.g.''
   &ie;  i.e.        ''i.e.''
   &qv;  q.v.        ''q.v.''
   &vs;  vs.         ''vs.''
   &min; &ft;        ' prime
   &sec; &in;        " prime
   &u;               &micro;
   &ts;  &zw;        thin space, zero-width space

Accented characters (mostly from the Latin-1 set):

   ~c!               Accented character, where:
                     c=upper or lowercase aeiou
                     !=accent to apply, one of:
                       '      `      ^     :
                     [acute, grave, circumflex, umlaut]

or one of the following:

   ~AE ~ae           AEligature aeligature
   ~A~ ~a~ ~Ao ~ao   Atilde atilde Aring aring
   ~A: ~a:           Auml auml
   ~Cc ~cc ~E: ~e:   Ccedilla ccedilla Euml euml
   ~I: ~i: ~N~ ~n~   Iuml iuml Ntilde ntilde
   ~O/ ~o/ ~O~ ~o~   Oslash oslash Otilde otilde
   ~O: ~o: ~OE ~oe   Ouml ouml OEligature oeligature
   ~U: ~u:           Uuml uuml
   ~Y' ~y' ~Y: ~y:   Yacute yacute Yumlaut yumlaut
   ~ET ~et ~TH ~th   ETH eth THORN thorn

for other accented characters, use HTML entities; e.g., &#345; for ř.


MemoWiki markup is implemented by the wiki2html Rexx » program.

Markup was last edited on 2021-11-08  
Topic: MemoWiki