Decimal Arithmetic Specification, version 1.70
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2009. All rights reserved. ©
7 Apr 2009
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This section defines the required conversions between the abstract representation of numbers and string (character) form.[1]  Two number-to-string conversions and one string-to-number conversion are defined. These are:

It is strongly recommended that implementations also provide conversions to and from a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) representation, as appropriate for the implementation platform. Most decimal data are encoded in some form of BCD, and also a BCD form (especially one digit per byte) is easy to manipulate for further processing, formatting, etc.

It is recommended that implementations also provide conversions to and from binary floating-point or integer numbers, if appropriate (that is, if such encodings are supported in the environment of the implementation). It is suggested that such conversions be exact, if possible (that is, when converting from binary to decimal), or alternatively give the same results as converting using an appropriate string representation as an intermediate form. It is also recommended that if a number is too large to be converted to a given binary integer format then an exceptional or error condition be raised, rather than losing high-order significant bits (decapitating).

It is recommended that implementations also provide additional number formatting routines (including some which are locale-dependent), and if available should accept non-European decimal digits in strings.


  1. The setting of precision may be used to convert a number from any precision to any other precision, using the plus operation.
  2. Integers are a proper subset of numbers, hence no conversion operation from an integer to a number is necessary. Conversion from a number to an integer with an exponent of zero is effected by using the quantize operation. Conversion from a number to an integral value (with a non-negative exponent) is effected by using the round-to-integral-value operation or the round-to-integral-exact operation. These meet the requirements of IEEE 754 §5.3.1 and §5.3.2.

Numeric string syntax

Strings which are acceptable for conversion to the abstract representation of numbers, or which might result from conversion from the abstract representation to a string, are called numeric strings.

A numeric string is a character string that describes either a finite number or a special value.

No blanks or other white space characters are permitted in a numeric string.


  sign           ::=  ’+’ | ’-’
  digit          ::=  ’0’ | ’1’ | ’2’ | ’3’ | ’4’ | ’5’ | ’6’ | ’7’ |
                      ’8’ | ’9’
  indicator      ::=  ’e’ | ’E’
  digits         ::=  digit [digit]...
  decimal-part   ::=  digits ’.’ [digits] | [’.’] digits
  exponent-part  ::=  indicator [sign] digits
  infinity       ::=  ’Infinity’ | ’Inf’
  nan            ::=  ’NaN’ [digits] | ’sNaN’ [digits]
  numeric-value  ::=  decimal-part [exponent-part] | infinity
  numeric-string ::=  [sign] numeric-value | [sign] nan
where the characters in the strings accepted for infinity and nan may be in any case.

If an implementation supports the concept of diagnostic information on NaNs, the numeric strings for NaNs may include one or more digits, as shown above.[3]  These digits encode the diagnostic information in an implementation-defined manner; however, conversions to and from string for diagnostic NaNs should be reversible if possible. If an implementation does not support diagnostic information on NaNs, these digits should be ignored where necessary. A plain ‘NaN’ is usually the same as ‘NaN0’.


Some numeric strings are:

       "0"         -- zero
      "12"         -- a whole number
     "-76"         -- a signed whole number
      "12.70"      -- some decimal places
      "+0.003"     -- a plus sign is allowed, too
     "017."        -- the same as 17
        ".5"       -- the same as 0.5
      "4E+9"       -- exponential notation
       "0.73e-7"   -- exponential notation, negative power
      "Inf"        -- the same as Infinity
      "-infinity"  -- the same as -Inf
      "NaN"        -- not-a-Number
      "NaN8275"    -- diagnostic NaN
  1. A single period alone or with a sign is not a valid numeric string.
  2. A sign alone is not a valid numeric string.
  3. Significant (after the decimal point) and insignificant leading zeros are permitted.

to-scientific-string – conversion to numeric string

This operation converts a number to a string, using scientific notation if an exponent is needed. The operation is not affected by the context.

If the number is a finite number then:

Otherwise (the number is a special value): In all cases, the entire string is prefixed by a minus sign character[5]  (‘-’) if sign is 1. No sign character is prefixed if sign is 0.


For each abstract representation [sign, coefficient, exponent], [sign, special-value], or [sign, special-value, diagnostic] on the left, the resulting string is shown on the right.

  [0,123,0]       "123"
  [1,123,0]       "-123"
  [0,123,1]       "1.23E+3"
  [0,123,3]       "1.23E+5"
  [0,123,-1]      "12.3"
  [0,123,-5]      "0.00123"
  [0,123,-10]     "1.23E-8"
  [1,123,-12]     "-1.23E-10"
  [0,0,0]         "0"
  [0,0,-2]        "0.00"
  [0,0,2]         "0E+2"
  [1,0,0]         "-0"
  [0,5,-6]        "0.000005"
  [0,50,-7]       "0.0000050"
  [0,5,-7]        "5E-7"
  [0,inf]         "Infinity"
  [1,inf]         "-Infinity"
  [0,qNaN]        "NaN"
  [0,qNaN,123]    "NaN123"
  [1,sNaN]        "-sNaN"
  1. There is a one-to-one mapping between abstract representations and the result of this conversion. That is, every abstract representation has a unique to-scientific-string representation. Also, if that string representation is converted back to an abstract representation using to-number with sufficient precision, then the original abstract representation will be recovered.
    This one-to-one mapping guarantees that there is no hidden information in the internal representation of the numbers (‘what you see is exactly what you’ve got’).
  2. The values quiet NaN and signaling NaN are distinguished in string form in order to preserve the one-to-one mapping just described. The strings chosen are those suggested by the IEEE 754 review committee and permitted by IEEE 754-2008.
  3. The digits required for an exponent may be more than the number of digits required for Emax when a finite number is subnormal.

to-engineering-string – conversion to numeric string

This operation converts a number to a string, using engineering notation if an exponent is needed.

The conversion exactly follows the rules for conversion to scientific numeric string except in the case of finite numbers where exponential notation is used. In this case,

If the final exponent is zero then no indicator letter and exponent is suffixed.


For each abstract representation [sign, coefficient, exponent] on the left, the resulting string is shown on the right.

  [0,123,1]       "1.23E+3"
  [0,123,3]       "123E+3"
  [0,123,-10]     "12.3E-9"
  [1,123,-12]     "-123E-12"
  [0,7,-7]        "700E-9"
  [0,7,1]         "70"
  [0,0,1]         "0.00E+3"

to-number – conversion from numeric string

This operation converts a string to a number, as defined by its abstract representation. The string is expected to conform to the numeric string syntax.

Specifically, if the string represents a finite number then:

If the string represents a special value then:

The result of attempting to convert a string which does not have the syntax of a numeric string is [0,qNaN].


For each string on the left, the resulting abstract representation [sign, coefficient, exponent], [sign, special-value], or [sign, special-value, diagnostic] is shown on the right. precision is at least 3.

  "0"            [0,0,0]
  "0.00"         [0,0,-2]
  "123"          [0,123,0]
  "-123"         [1,123,0]
  "1.23E3"       [0,123,1]
  "1.23E+3"      [0,123,1]
  "12.3E+7"      [0,123,6]
  "12.0"         [0,120,-1]
  "12.3"         [0,123,-1]
  "0.00123"      [0,123,-5]
  "-1.23E-12"    [1,123,-14]
  "1234.5E-4"    [0,12345,-5]
  "-0"           [1,0,0]
  "-0.00"        [1,0,-2]
  "0E+7"         [0,0,7]
  "-0E-7"        [1,0,-7]
  "inf"          [0,inf]
  "+inFiniTy"    [0,inf]
  "-Infinity"    [1,inf]
  "NaN"          [0,qNaN]
  "-NAN"         [1,qNaN]
  "SNaN"         [0,sNaN]
  "Fred"         [0,qNaN]

[1] See also IEEE 754 §5.12.
[2] Where quotes surround terminal characters, ‘::=’ means ‘is defined as’, ‘|’ means ‘or’, ‘[]’ encloses an optional item, and ‘[]...’ encloses an item which is repeated 0 or more times.
[3] In IEEE 754 interchange formats, the diagnostic information (payload) is held in a similar manner to the coefficient of a finite number in the same format, but has one digit fewer.
[4] This is a deviation from IEEE 854-1987 (see Notes) but is permitted by IEEE 754-2008.
[5] This specification defines only the glyph representing a minus sign character. Depending on the implementation, this will often correspond to a hyphen rather than to a distinguishable ‘minus’ character.

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