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Mike Cowlishaw<br> FREng BSc <br>Formerly FBCS FIET CEng CITP

Mike Cowlishaw

I’m Mike Cowlishaw, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, sometime Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, and Editor of the IEEE 754 2008 & 2019 (ISO/IEC 60559) floating-point arithmetic standards from 2006 through 2023.
I am a retired IBM Fellow[1].

e-mail:   mfc@speleotrove.com
Biography:   http://speleotrove.com/mfc/mfc_biography.html
Websites:   speleotrove.com and speleogroup.org
Facebook:   Mike Cowlishaw

My technical interests include:

Legend: FREng — Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering; BSc — Bachelor of Science; CEng — Chartered Engineer; FIET — Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (was IEE); FBCS — Fellow of the British Computer Society; CITP — Chartered Information Technology Professional. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc.
[1]  The IBM Fellow programme began in 1962/3; I was the 113th IBM Fellow appointed, in June 1990.  I took early retirement from IBM in March 2010; as of that date there had been 217 IBM Fellows appointed.  In IBM there were/are typically about 55 active Fellows out of around 400,000 employees.
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This page was last edited on 2025-02-21 by mfc.