| name
| notes
| English
| arroba
| at-sign
| Can mean ‘at’ (e.g., 5 botellas @ 10 euros), or in e-mail addresses, or the ‘unisex’ character (e.g., muchach@s for muchachos y muchachas)
[originally shorthand for L ad]
| numeral
| hash
| also almohadilla (pincushion)
| barra
| slash
| barra inversa
| backslash
| also barra invertida or diagonal invertida
| asterisco
| asterisk
| coma
| comma
| also to indicate decimal: tres coma cinco – 3.5
| punto y coma
| semicolon
| dos puntos
| colon
| used to end a formal letter salutation; Querida Ana:
| punto
| point
| full stop, period
‘ ’
| comilla
| inverted comma
| comillas
| inverted commas