When the direct object of a verb is a person or people, it is preceded
by the preposition a – this ‘humanises’:
Juan llama a María – Juan calls María
¿A quién estás llamando? – Whom are you calling?
Visité a Miguel – I visited Miguel
in contrast:
Visité Bilbao – I visited Bilbao (no a)
It may also be used if the object is an animal with a personal connection,
especially a pet:
Nosotros amamos a nuestro perro – We love our dog
in contrast, if no personal connection, no a:
Yo amo los perros – I love dogs
It can also be used to emphasise a personal connection or bond to
something, especially a country:
José extraña mucho a España – José misses Spain a lot
The personal ‘a’ is not used after the verbs
Tengo dos hermanos – I have two brothers
Mi mejor amigo es Juan – My best friend is Juan
Hay cinco chicas – There are five girls
There are exceptions to this, e.g., when tener is used to
mean ‘hold’:
Ella tenía a su nieta en los brazos – she had her granddaughter
in her arms
It can also be omitted to ‘depersonalise’ references to people, e.g.:
Juan está buscando dos obreros – Juan is looking for two
However, it is used with these indefinite pronouns, which all
stand for people:
alguien – somebody/someone/anyone); preguntemos a alguien
– let’s ask someone
alguno – some (in reference to people)
nadie – nobody/no-one; no veo a nadie con quien trabajo
– I do not see anybody I work with
ninguno – none (in reference to people)
quién – who/whom (ans in example above)
cualquiera – (in sense) anyone, anybody