nombre (nm),
substantivo (nm/adj) – nombre also means
Nouns have gender (m or f) and may be plural (pl), with various endings.
Usually a noun ending in -o is masculine, and one ending in
-a is feminine. There are exceptions (e.g., la mano,
el idioma), and there are a number of other endings for nouns:
e.g., for things:
mesa (f) – table
libro (m) – book
llave (f) – key (of door, car, etc.)
jamón (m) – ham
amor (m) – love
Nouns used for people or animals usually change their endings according
to the gender of the person or animal:
el niño – (the boy); la niña – (the girl)
Plurals generally add -s if they end in a vowel, or -es
otherwise (unless they already end in s):
mesas (f pl) – tables
libros (pl) – books
platos (m pl) – plates, dishes, courses
semanas (f pl) – weeks
deber (m) – duty
deberes (m pl) – homework
Articles to use with nouns:
un, una – a
el, la – the (also lo – it)
(+ plural versions)
See also pronouns and the pronouns table.