IBM AISPO Products IBM REXX for NetWare 5764-075 IBM REXX for NetWare is a port from REXX code in OS/2 and OS/400 to Novell's NetWare platform. Product Highlights """""""""""""""""" The REXX programming language was designed with the objective of making programming easier than before. A key component of this "ease" is simplicity. Ease of use and simplicity for the end user have resulted in considerably more enjoyable programming than for previous languages. From the outset, a guiding principle in the design and development of REXX has been to maintain its simplicity. REXX has also extended programming beyond the realm of the DP professional to the casual user. Today REXX is a language that allows you to write programs and instructions in a clear and structured manner. A guiding principle of its design has been that it should be easy to use both by professional programmers as well as the end user. IBM REXX For NetWare contains: Interpretive language: - Compatibility with existing REXXs (Function/Perf/API) - Easy-to-learn language - Available on most major platforms. Utility functions: These are a set of functions to aid in application interfaces, and various easy-of-use facilities. Key Functions (not all-inclusive) - System specific functions for base - Screen handling - DOS partition Services - Base system APIs (Internal/not extensive) - Developers can code APIs as needed for communication. Administrators/Developers will benefit from REXX for NetWare: - Portability of applications between platforms - Decrease time to develop applications - Decreased Language education time - Offers easy-to-use glueware for application ties - Increase productivity in building scripts/NLMs for NetWare - REXX will be supported on NetWare Platforms (3.X & 4.X) - Allow users to use current REXX skills on Netware - Multiple Platforms - Helps overall support for interacting systems - Client/Server support. Why REXX for NetWare? """"""""""""""""""""" IBM REXX for NetWare fills a significant niche in Novell's NetWare platform. IBM REXX for NetWare provides NetWare system administrators and application developers with a functionally rich, versatile, and industry standard command scripting language and programming language. REXX is a SAA-compliant, highly readable and easy-to-use language that allows programs to be written in a clear and structured manner. REXX, which is already available on the VM, MVS, VSE, OS/400, AIX and OS/2 platforms from IBM, is currently being standardized by ANSI. NetWare combined with UNIX TCP/IP is expected to be among the most popular networking platforms for the next several years. The REXX language continues to be accepted as an industry-standard, easy-to-use programming language. Its use on non-NetWare platforms such as OS/2 and VM/ESA continues to be popular. REXX For NetWare's rich functionality, expandability, and industry reputation is a positive fit for this market. Its ease of use as a programming language is another reason why there is a significant opportunity for IBM REXX for NetWare as an alternative to the 'C' and Assembler programming languages. Many of the NetWare servers in this environment are being managed by the traditional 'glass house' (I/S) personnel, who are accustomed to using certain host tools, e.g., REXX. This also poses a significant opportunity for REXX, since this melting of the traditional I/S and LAN staffs will lead to a greater demand for a familiar product (i.e., REXX) on the newer NetWare platform. Terms and Conditions """""""""""""""""""" * Licensed under the IBM Program License Agreement (PLA) with the terms for "AS-IS" Software of no warranty and no support in the US. * Test Period: Two Months Ordering Information """""""""""""""""""" Program Number: 5764-075 IBM REXX for NetWare U.S. Price, one-time-charge: $495 To order contact your local IBM Marketing Representative Technical Information: * Systems Environment: IBM REXX for NetWare runs on any IBM or compatible Server running Novell's NetWare 3.11 or 3.12 or 4.0 with a minimum of .5 mb of free memory and .5 mb of disk space. Product documentation """"""""""""""""""""" The product comes with the following document: * IBM REXX for NetWare Reference Guide.
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