Mike Cowlishaw - interviews

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Mike Cowlishaw<br> FREng BSc <br>Formerly FBCS FIET CEng CITP

Mike Cowlishaw

Here are a few softcopy interviews (picture roughly contemporary):


z/Journal: The Man Behind REXX: z/Journal Visits IBM Fellow Mike Cowlishaw, by Gabe Goldberg  (August 2004)


.EXE Magazine: Questionnaire, by Alun Williams  (July 2000)


JAVA Developer’s Journal: Interview ... with Mike Cowlishaw, by Rick Hightower  (May 2000)


Dr. Dobb’s Journal: A Conversation With Michael Cowlishaw, by Jack Woehr  (March 1996)

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This page was last edited on 2024-03-20 by mfc.