Llosa de Viango Tollos – lpcUARTIO.c



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lpcUARTIO.c – UART device I/O functions

The UART functions provide basic I/O over a serial link.
 uartGetcIO   get character from UART device
 uartInitIO   initialize port for I/O
 uartPutcIO   send character to UART device

uartGetcIO – get character from UART device

int uartGetcIO(uint uart);

uart – ID of UART to read

returns character read from UART, or −1 if none there or UART does not exist

This function does not block. It returns an int so that errors are distinct, and will also allow extension.

uartInitIO – initialize port for I/O

int uartInitIO(uint uart, uint baud);

uart – ID of UART to initialize

baud – rate to run uart communications

returns 0 if OK, or −1 if uart does not exist

uartPutcIO – send character to UART device

int uartPutcIO(uint uart, int ch);

uart – ID of UART to send character to

ch – character to send

returns 0 if OK, or −1 if uart does not exist

This waits for any previous send to complete. The character, ch, is an int to allow future extension.

Tollos and these web pages were written by Mike Cowlishaw; Please send me any corrections, suggestions, etc.
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This page was last updated on 2010-12-02 by c2wiki.