Here are some photographs that I took in New Mexico, in April 2013.
- To see a full-size image, click on a thumbnail
- To save a full-size image, ‘save link as’ or ‘save target as’ (most
browsers allow this on right click on the thumbnail); note that
stereo images should be saved with extension .mpo – your browser
may have changed that to .jpg.
These pictures are all stereo (3D) images taken with a Fujifilm 3D
W3 camera. Please see my suggestions for viewing these in stereo.

Carlsbad Caverns entrance
Carlsbad Caverns grotto

Carlsbad Caverns flowstone
Carlsbad Caverns column

Carlsbad Caverns grotto 2
White Sands in gypsum ‘white-out’
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This page was last
edited on 2025-01-29 by mfc.