A refinement to Chen-Ho encoding called Densely Packed Decimal was invented in 2002, and that is the decimal encoding used in the IEEE 754 standard (‘754-2008’) and the ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 international standard.
Chen-Ho encoding is one of many possible encodings for decimal digits; it encodes three decimal digits in 10 bits with a 0.34% wastage, giving a 20% more efficient encoding than simple BCD (one digit in 4 bits). This compression allows a 33-digit decimal number with a three-digit scale or exponent to be held in a 128-bit representation.
The specific encoding preserves much of the identity of the three decimal digits, and allows simple processing; it does not require multiplications or divisions to encode or decode to or from BCD.
In brief, the encoding considers each of the three digits as either being small (0-7, requiring 3 bits to distinguish) or large (8 or 9, requiring one bit). The top bit of each BCD digit is 0 for small values, and 1 for large values.
The possible combinations of these ranges are then:
a) |
All digits are small (51.2% of the possibilities).
This requires 3+3+3 bits for the digits, leaving 1 bit to indicate this combination. |
b) |
Two digits are small (38.4%).
This requires 3+3+1 bits for the digits, leaving 3 to indicate this combination. |
c) |
One digit is small (9.6%).
This requires 3+1+1 bits for the digits, leaving 5 to indicate this combination. |
d) |
No digits are small (0.8%).
This requires 1+1+1 bits for the digits, leaving 7 (only 5 needed) this combination. |
The following tables fully describe the encoding (compression) and decoding (expansion to BCD); a-l represent the 12 bits of three BCD digits, and p-y represent the 10 bits of the encoded digits.
Compression: (abcd)(efgh)(ijkl) becomes (p)(qrs)(tuv)(wxy)
Expansion: (p)(qrs)(tuv)(wxy) becomes (abcd)(efgh)(ijkl)
For software, table lookup is a simple and efficient solution. Below is a NetRexx program which can be directly modified for generating table constants (or ported to a different language).
/* chenho.nrx -- Sample conversion methods for Chen-Ho encoding */ /* mfc 2000.06.15 */ loop i=0 to 999 bcd=i.right(3, 0) -- make three-digit hexadecimal string bit10=bcd2ch(bcd.x2b) -- compress bit12=ch2bcd(bit10) -- expand say bcd bit10 bit12 -- display end i exit |
/* bcd2ch -- Compress BCD to Chen-Ho argument is a string of 12 characters, each 0 or 1 (for example, 923 is 100100100011) result is a string of 10 characters, each 0 or 1 (for the example, this would be 1001010011) */ method bcd2ch(bcd) static -- assign each bit to a variable, named as in paper parse bcd a +1 b +1 c +1 d +1 e +1 f +1 g +1 h +1 i +1 j +1 k +1 l +1 -- derive the result bits, using the boolean expressions in Table III(a). -- [the operators are: '&'=AND, '|'=OR, '\'=NOT.] p=a | e | i q=(b & \e) | i | (a & e) r=(c & \i) | e | (a & i) s=d t=(a & e) | (f & (\a | \i)) | (b & e & \i) u=(a & i) | (c & e & \i) | (g & \e) v=h w=j | (b & i) | (f & a & i) x=k | (c & i) | (g & a & i) y=l -- concatenate the bits and return return p||q||r||s||t||u||v||w||x||y |
/* ch2bcd -- Expand Chen-Ho to BCD argument is a string of 10 characters, each 0 or 1 (for example, 1001010011) result is a string of 12 characters, each 0 or 1 (for the example, 100100100011 -- 923) */ method ch2bcd(ch) static -- assign each bit to a variable, named as in paper parse ch p +1 q +1 r +1 s +1 t +1 u +1 v +1 w +1 x +1 y +1 -- derive the result bits, using the boolean expressions in Table III(b). a=(p & \q & \r) | (p & q & r & (t | u)) b=(q & \p) | (t & p & \q & r) | (w & q & (\r | (\t & \u))) c=(r & (\p | (\q & u))) | (x & p & q & (\r | (\t & \u))) d=s e=(p & r & (\q | \u | t)) f=(t & (\p | \r)) | (p & q & r & \t & u & w) g=(u & (\p | \r)) | (p & q & r & \t & u & x) h=v i=(p & q & (\r | \t | u)) j=(w & (\p | \q | (r & t))) k=(x & (\p | \q | (r & t))) l=y -- concatenate the bits and return return a||b||c||d||e||f||g||h||i||j||k||l |